We are pleased to welcome Jacob Horwath to the eOne team. Jacob is a Technical Consultant and will be working out of his home in Barrington, New Hampshire. No doubt you’ll interact with him in the coming months, but in the meantime – take a few moments to get to know him a little bit more.

Q: Do you have any fun projects that you’ve worked on before coming to eOne?

A: One of my favorite projects was building an integration process for a company that makes very recognizable, green-colored, aviator headsets. The project would integrate sales orders from the company website to their accounting system. I regularly see those headsets on a stream or video and think “Hey, that was probably processed through my integration!”. It’s great to be able to see your own contributions out in the world.

Q: What are you passionate about outside of work?

A: Mountains/nature, maps, winter sports, and my family. Combining them, wherever possible.

Q: What’s on your bucket list?

: Everest Base Camp, Nepal. Concordia, Pakistan. Patagonia, Argentina. Iceland. Uluru, Australia. Denali, Alaska. I want to try to get to all the continents. I want to see all the US National Parks too.

Q: Any fun(ny) eOne memories that first come to mind?

A: My first interview was with Mark Anderson (a Senior Consultant and trainer here at eOne). My connection went bad during our introduction, and I proceeded to call him Andy until someone corrected me. It was only slightly embarrassing…

Q: What’s playing in your headphones?

A: I’m surely late to the party, but I just recently discovered a love for Arctic Monkeys. Otherwise, I am fairly eclectic. I usually put on rock and metal, but I’ll listen to almost anything.

Q: What TV show are you binge-watching/watched most recently?

A: I’ve been on a YouTube kick lately. Mostly the “Soft White Underbelly”, “Art of Engineering”, and “Fascinating Horror” channels. My wife and I also recently watched the Meltdown documentary on Netflix about the Three Mile Island incident. We really enjoy the “real life” documentary shows.

Now that you know Jacob a bit more, send him a message to say hello. You can reach him at jacob.horwath@eonesolutions.com