We love hearing stories about how members of our team have helped others. Nicole Albertson has been a long time staple of the eOne team and we’re proud to share the following from Belinda Allen. Read the original on her blog here.


My Hero today is Nicole Albertson from eOne Solutions in Fargo, ND. Today, unlike most of my Hero of the Day awards, did not occur from something she did today but rather something she’s done for many days. Nicole is super smart, super sweet and absolutely adorable. I remember having dinner with her in Tampa a couple of years ago (at a GPUG Summit), we were talking about Twitter and I started following her and was her 35thfollower, which made me happy.

Last May at the Amplify conference she presented at a session which one of my customers attended. My customer said “That girl obviously knows her *^*%$ (stuff) and she makes me proud to be female.”

Nicole is an amazing person to know, and she makes me proud to be a fellow Woman in Technology with her. Rock on Nicole. I nominated you for GPUG All-star this year and plan to launch a twitter campaign to get you the award you so justly deserve!

Have a success story about how eOne has helped you and your team? We want to hear it! Email us at sales@eonesolutions.com and let us know.