We’re happy to introduce someone many of you have worked with for awhile, Alicia Bement. Alicia has stepped into a new role as our Dynamics 365/NAV Channel Manager for SmartConnect. Take a few moments to learn more about Alicia:

Name & Nickname:
Alicia Bement. Some people like to call me Lish.

When did you start working at eOne?
I started working for eOne in October of 2013, as the Business Manager. I loved seeing the interaction our sales team had with our partners and customers and wanted to be involved. After a year as the Business Manager, I moved into an Account Manager Role.

How long have you been leading the charge in the NAV space? 
I’ve been passionate about the NAV space since we first released the connector for SmartConnect and NAV, over 2 years ago. I officially became our NAV Channel Manager in July.

What will you be focusing on?
My main focus is SmartConnect and engaging the NAV/ D365 partner channel. I’ll be talking with partners about SmartConnect and how it is a tool they can rely on when their customers’ businesses are changing. 

Why are you excited about the NAV space?
The NAV space is filled with very passionate people. It’s also a growing channel and I’m looking forward to growing alongside and partnering with new companies.

Do you think partners should be excited?
I’ve talked to a lot of partners that don’t have the development team to build integrations or they don’t want to use up their developer resources, when doing something like an upgrade. SmartConnect allows partners to say yes to integrations at a sensible budget.

What do you think of Tenerife?
I think “Tenerife” created a lot of commotion in the NAV/D365 Business Edition space. However, in the end, it’s going to leave partners with a better quality product when selling an Azure hosted solution.

What are you passionate about outside of work?
I love spending time with my kids and my husband. If I do get a little free time, I love to run, play softball, or spend time outdoors.

Anything new on your bucket list?
I’d still love to visit Dubai, Australia, Alaska, and many other places. Also, someday I will find time to train for a full marathon! 

What’s playing in your headphones?
I listen to everything but heavy metal.