The WooCommerce connector is ready for you to install!

When you add this connector to your Popdock account you can report on any of the following areas:

Active Plugins


Coupon Totals


Customer Downloads

Customer Totals


Order Lines

Order Notes



Product Attributes

Product Attribute terms

Product Categories

Product Reviews

Product Tags

Product Totals

Product Variations


Refund Lines

Review Totals

Sales Totals

Shipping Zones

System Status

System Status Tools

Tax Classes

Tax Rates

Top Sellers

Besides the following lists of data, we have actions that allow you to drill back to the record in WooCommerce and view/edit the records if you have access. Popdock provides a great way to view all of your WooCommerce data in one place. We have even given you the capability to combine with other data (Accounting, CRM, Shipping) to provide one list that has everything you need!

Learn how to setup a connector in the following Knowledge Base article: WooCommerce Setup