Today we are releasing new builds of SmartList Builder and Extender for 2016 and 2015 R2.

SmartList Builder:

The new SmartList Builder builds we have posted are version 16.00.0026 for SmartList Builder 2016 and 14.00.0232 for SmartList Builder 2015 R2.  

Here is what is included in the 2016 and 2015R2 Release:

Problem Report Fixes:

  • Drill Down column name in Excel Report Builder not correct
  • Extender resources added to SLB don’t work when field number is greater than 1000
  • Analytical Accounting Views in SmartList Builder
  • Navigation List Builder and GL Tables
  • Account Transactions as SmartList table or Modified Account Transaction list using Account Index
  • Cannot use Group By on Company Calculated Field
  • Extender Fields with same name on Form don’t add to SLB
  • Restriction on Extender checkbox field
  • Import keeps SQL database causing tables to be invalid if db isn’t there
  • Table Finder will let users around the Table Security
  • Multicompany ERB doesn’t work with Data Connection
  • Multidimensional Analysis SmartView report duplicates data
  • Can only have one DDB per GP form
  • rpt_executive missing from ERB
  • SmartView External ignoring Use Company Database option
  • Adding second Data Connection to SmartList shows links from previous data connection
  • Import/Export don’t work on Web Client for 2016
  • Importing file in GP web client fails with error: Invalid data for clear: 31.
  • SLB Export on Web Client exports the selected reports in multiple pieces
  • Can’t always edit an existing restriction Value in the Add Restriction window
  • SLB – Extra Fields added to new SmartList created in SLB
  • Illegal address for field NLB_Navigation_Lists in script Table_Exists


The new Extender builds we have posted are version 16.00.0057 for Extender 2016 and 14.00.0318 for Extender 2015 R2.

Here is what is included in the 2016 Release:
New Features:
  • Allow Extender Views to be created by db_owners
  • Extender Install automatically installs all companies at login of first company
  • Message added to indicate resource already exists on xml import
  • SOP and POP Copy brings Extender data along with the transaction
Problem Report Fixes:
  • Use a linked lookup in the form based on the ID value
  • Copied Form Lookup to ExtForm stuck on previous solution form
  • Export on Web Client doesn’t allow to browse
  • Form using 2 ID fields doesn’t clear when you select different primary ID
  • Unable to link Extender Window to Extender Form
  • Blank Lines saving on detail grid
  • Long String in Field15 won’t save/update
  • Extender Notes window no longer shows note if you hide any of the columns
  • First note getting removed when redisplay
  • Lookup restriction on date or time fields not working
  • Extender Detail Forms: multiple rows entered for form detail data do not display in the UI after template executed

Here is what is included in the 2015 R2 Release:
Problem Report Fixes:
  • Extender Detail Forms: multiple rows entered for form detail data do not display in the UI after template executed
  • Lookup restriction on date or time fields not working
  • Blank Lines saving on detail grid
  • Long String in Field15 won’t save/update
  • Form using 2 ID fields doesn’t clear when you select different primary ID
  • Unable to link Extender Window to Extender Form