SmartConnect 2013 Service Pack 1 HF3 Updates
We have a new build for everyone today!
This release of SmartConnect enhances existing features and fixes a couple of outstanding bugs. It is available for immediate download on our website:
This update for SmartConnect 2013 has addressed the following areas:
Global Variables – In previous versions of SmartConnect 2013 you would need to initialize at least one Global Variable in order to work with any of the others. With this release, you are able to access any of the System or User Defined Global Variables in any Task or Calculated field.
Run SQL Task Parameters – You can now add multiple parameters or data source fields into a Run SQL Task. Previously it would only read the first occurrence.
WCF REST Web Service – We added some additional functionality to report errors back via the return XML coming from our web service calls.
Custom Nodes – Some customers have experienced an issue when they upgrade from a version previous to SmartConnect 2013, indicating that the mapping for their custom eConnect nodes will be removed. With this new version, all you will need to do is run the System Maintenance a second time and all custom nodes will be available.
Excel 2013 32bit and 64bit Add-in – These new Excel Add-ins were actually released last month but I wanted to highlight them again as many of you may not know they exist. They offer some great features like pulling back your existing maps and the ability to pull back data or the columns you need from the map setup. We will present a video on the new Excel Add-in in the coming months.
Our next Service Pack, slated for the first quarter of 2014, has over 30 features and I’ll tell you more in an upcoming article. As always, I love to hear your feedback on what we should put into our next versions of SmartConnect or any of the eOne products.
Chris Dew
Director of Product Management