Many of you are already familiar with our calendar feature on our website which allows you to view and register for all of our demos, training events and upcoming events. For those of you who are not familiar you can view it here.

One thing I want to highlight was our free weekly demos. Our technical team puts on a SmartConnect, SmartList Builder, Extender & SmartView demo each week so that you can have access to a high quality demo with one of our product gurus. Plus there’s a Q&A at the end of each session giving you access to answers that may be specific to your team. Did I mention that there’s no charge to attend a demo?

Here is a list of the weekly demos we host:

SmartConnect for – Monday at 2pm CST
Extender – Tuesday at 11am CST
SmartList Builder – Wednesday at 11am CST
SmartConnect – Wednesday at 3pm CST
SmartView – Friday at 1pm CST

So what are you waiting for? Spread the word and register for one today!