The SmartConnect team and eOne’s network of partners are cranking out more Salesforce integration projects than ever before. As we dive in with customers, we see integration scenarios across every aspect of the Salesforce ecosystem. Today, we want to share a few of the most popular examples we’ve been working on recently.

Salesforce – Business Central

Business Central is one of the fastest-growing ERPs for small-to-mid market businesses. As those customers continue their migration to the cloud, the desire to integrate D365BC with Sales Cloud, Service Cloud or Commerce Cloud is a natural next step. Our pre-built templates are a perfect place to get started and include bi-directional maps for accounts/customers, opportunities/invoices, products/items, price books and users.

Shopify – Salesforce

Shopify is one of the most popular systems we work with outside of core CRM and ERP platforms, and creates a natural fit with the power of Salesforce. Popular integration examples include Shopify users creating Salesforce accounts and Shopify orders being created inside Sales Cloud. Inventory levels are another popular entity for integration to ensure Shopify and Salesforce an in sync. Many of these projects include a post-integration task to notify Salesforce users via email the orders have been processed.

Fonteva – GP

Both Fonteva and GP are incredibly well-respected in their individual spaces, but what happens when you need to integrate the two together? You call the crew at SmartConnect. Customers love  to use our templates as a starting point for these projects. From members to customers, donations to invoices and annual dues to accounts receivable, SmartConnect will ensure everything between Fonteva and GP remains in sync.

If you’re working on a unique integration scenario, let us know. We’d love to hear to about it!