Thanks for joining the SmartConnect Office Hours last Friday, February 8, 2019.  Here is a quick summary of what we covered:

  • Our topic for the day focused on change tracking. We covered creating a change tracking integration, testing change triggers, and change table maintenance. We also discussed the similarities and differences between change data sources and real-time data sources.
  • Some of the questions asked included:  
    • How are change tracking tables created?
    • If I have 6 maps running at the same time every minute, how do you handle that?
    • Can you give me an example of how we’d use change tracking and what version it was introduced in?

If you’re interested in attending an upcoming SmartConnect Office Hours, you can sign-up at We host this session weekly at 10am Central Time on Fridays.

Also, we love hearing from our SmartConnect customers and partners about topics they’d like us to cover.  If you have topic suggestions, you can email them to