During Convergence I hosted two SmartList/ SmartList Builder interactive customer sessions. These were great sessions run by customers for customers – and a sample of the feedback comments we received are here:

“My Favourite Session all week. Great to learn from other users”
“Most tips I have ever gotten! Wonderful Audience participation”
“Great Session”
. . . and then my favourite comment
“I love the eOne guys, great products, great session and very very funny guy!”

I have been trying to convince my wife of the last part of this for a long time, now I have proof. I carry around a copy of the session evaluation in my wallet and produce it regularly just to prove how funny I really can be!

The interactive sessions at Convergence were hosted by GPUG. I know a silly name that sounds like a messed up dog – but stands for the Dynamics GP user Group. For some time I have been sceptical about the GPUG model but with new leadership headed by Kim Peterson I have significantly more confidence in the organisation.

One thing that came out of the interactive sessions during convergence is the need for an online version of what we did in those sessions. GPUG has stepped up and started ‘SmartList Mondays’.

If you or your customers use SmartList, or SmartList Builder then I strongly recommend you get involved in these discussions as I guarantee you will learn some things you did not know before. (As well as sharing things you have learnt about SmartList that others can benefit from). The initial sessions will be moderated by Nicole Albertson (Microsoft SmartList Support Guru) and the eOne crew will also be in attendance to help out.

I hope to speak with you on the First SmartList Monday.