One of the primary things that mid market companies look for in an ERP system is better and faster access to data. One of the most loved features of Microsoft Dynamics GP is SmartList and SmartList Builder – and that is because it provides an extremely simple interface to access all the data captured within your ERP system.

SmartView is a tool that takes the best thing in Dynamics GP and makes it a whole lot better. I am very excited to announce that SmartView is now available for download and sale. To learn all about SmartView you can watch a demonstration here or review the features here.

I can hear you asking – how do you make SmartList better? The primary way is to make it faster. Smartview makes all your Smartlists and SmartList Builder lists much faster. The second way to make SmartList better is to modify the user interface to elimiate the little things that frustrate users, and make leaps in functionality with unlimited filters and the ability to Group and Subtotal records.

Before beginning work on SmartView we spoke to a number of Dynamics GP customers to understand their needs, “There is nothing better than the list view for accessing and reviewing transactions. We love SmartList because it is so simple and everyone can use it without training.” Based on this feedback we set out to make SmartView as easy to use as we could. To fit with all eOne products it had to be fast, it had to be flexible and configurable to specifically met the needs of any business.

“On a day to day basis we need data and we need it fast. We do not have time for pretty graphs and pie charts, but we need to find transactions really quickly so we can move on with our next task. For us it is about finding and processing Purchase Orders, Fullfilling sales and getting goods out the door.” Based on this comment we decided that SmartView must be a tool for the everyday GP user. It was not a tool that the CEO will use to analyze sexy graphs and make presentation to the board but rather SmartView is a tool for the user who spends much of their day working inside Dynamics GP.

If you would like to find out more about SmartView please contact me at