Last week I agreed to take 4 days and 3 nights away with my family during school break. My wife booked country accomodation with the requirement that we maintain access to internet for email and had cell reception.

As it turned out, on arrival, the place we were booked into had double booked. We had to find an alternative location, in a small country town, that could accomodate a family of 4 and a dog. After some frantic phone calls we found a fantastic place right on dark, but the new location had no internet and no cell phone coverage.

The result was awesome. I did not answer a phone, or switch on a computer for 4 days. I got to completely switch off knowing that there was nothing I could do about it. It was so much better than choosing not to look at email, or answer your cell phone, as doing that you continually feel a little bit guilty. I got to sit by a fire, read a novel, explore the local forests, take the kids on a wombat hunt and play lawn bowls with the locals.

It was great, and I did not miss email or work at all. In fact I do not think anyone missed me either. So when you need a break, take one. Take a real break and let you grey matter have a rest.