With 2015 coming to an end a lot quicker than most of us are ready for, we wanted to make you aware of a few upcoming support lifecycle dates.

Coming on December 31, 2015, SmartConnect 2011 and 2012 will enter the Extended Support phase. 

This means that the support will still be available for the releases, but there will be no hotfixes or service packs released for them and any problem reports would be tested on new builds.  If a Problem Report is found, SmartConnect would need to be updated to resolve the issue or to apply a fix that may be released for the issue.

For more information on the eOne Support Lifecycle, you can refer to the Help Article at the following link:


As a side note: the 2010 release of Extender, SmartList Builder, SmartView, Flexicoder, and SmartPost entered the Extended Support phase on October 13, 2015.