Are you or your customers planning a move from SmartConnect 2018 to SmartConnect 21? With the support lifecycle for SmartConnect 2018 ending in December 2022, we want you to be informed as possible about the move to SmartConnect 21.

Join us for our upcoming webinar Moving from SmartConnect 2018 to SmartConnect 21 on April 19th from 10:00 to 11:00 am.

In this webinar we will discuss:

  • Preparing your integrations
    • Tips
    • Common mistakes
    • Areas to review
  • Executing your move
    • Install and configuration tool
    • Upgrade tool
  • Changes in SmartConnect 21
    • New features
    • Deprecated options
  • Utilizing your new SmartConnect 21 environment

This webinar is free, and will be presented by Chris Hanson, our SmartConnect Product Manager.


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at