I would like to apologize to all eOne customers and resellers that have been impacted by the website outage we experience this week. A simple windows server upgrade turned out not to be so simple. We will be performing a full post mortem to ensure outages never occur like this again.

Having been on the end of some very slow and ordinary support from our Cloud provider – makes me determined to sit down and review the level of service we provide our customers. I will continue to work on reducing our support response times, together with improving our self-help support options.

We have also discovered again how vital our website is to our business partners. The integrated solution we provide that ties our website, our ecommerce processing, our Dynamics CRM, our Dynamics GP and our knowledge base provides a service we are really proud of. We are a great example of using our own eOne software to build a fully integrated business solution. What we have learnt is that while this integration is the cornerstone of our business success – we need to ensure each component is also able to operate independently when necessary (like during this week’s downtime). We are going to look to resolve this and will build support for this into our software going forward.

Apologies again for all those inconvenienced during the outage. If you have ongoing needs or concerned please email us at support@eonesolutions.com, sales@eonesolutions.com or call us directly on +1888 319 3663 and we will do all we can to assist.