This is the second edition of the ‘what is eXtender Enteprise’ series.

The second topic we will discuss here is eXtender Logic. This is a direct follow on from the previous post regarding Logic Routines. Extender logic allows you to add you business rules, and process flows to the eXtender windows, forms and detail forms that you build.

What is the Feature:
eXtender logic is the ability to add function, process as well as complex coding behind the screens you build with eXtender. This means that eXtender is way more than just ‘dumb data capture’ and you can build the exact functionality you need behind the screens you build.
There are two main types of Logic. The first is what I call consultant logic – which is the ability to enable fields, disable fields, set field values without writing any code. The second is what I call developer logic – which require the skills of you resident dex developer. Your developer is able to write any amount of sanscript code that can be executed on any number of eXtender events – opening, closing, posting. printing or field entry. exit or change of any field on the screen.
Why this feature is great:
The best part about Logic is that it gives you a really fast method of deploying complex solutions. It also helps to split the tasks between consultants and developers in a new way – meaning the developers can simply do the development without having to worry about screen layout and design. A consultant can gather the requirements, build the screens and get sign off, then call in the developer and say ‘when the click here and field 4 equals ‘Chicago’ then I need GP to do ….’
Consultants are able to build all the screens required (in short time) during the scoping phase. By the time you have sign off on the scope, 80% of the solution has been built. The developer can then add the business rules and functionality required behind the window.
How to Use it:
Consultants: Adding consultant level logic is very simple. Simply open the design mode for the window, form, detail form or linked form that you need to add logic for. Select the logic button at the bottom of the screen. In this example we had built an eXtender linked form as in this image that needed some process automation. The required business logic was as follows: If the rent amount was greater than $300, then the lease term should automatically be set to 3yrs from today’s date. So rather than heading of to the dev team, the consultant can make this work by themselves.
Opening the logic screen we can see that logic has been added to the field change event of the start date field. There are a number of functions that can be called as part of a task: Disable fields (grey them out), enable fields (make disabled fields editable), set value (as in this example), clear value as well as run a GP macro. In the images below we have set eXtender to set the value of the End Date field as the current data + 3 yrs. As you can see there is no programming involved.
In addition we have set a condition on this logic executing – to only where the rent is greater than $300.

As a developer you have the ability to execute simple of complex dex code from the eXtender window. The example below is very simple but provides really important functionality. On the tenant management form we needed the ability to enter all the vehicles that are driven by the current tenants. So from the regular eXtender form we needed to be able to open an eXtender detail form, and pass through the same record ID as on the tenant form. This simple one line of code does the trick.

What to do next?
Get both you developer and consultant along to eXtender training. Blow your competitors away and inspire your customers by how quickly you can deliver there really powerful solutions. Use this functionality to generate more services revenue for you consulting team as you customers now expect much more from their GP environment once they get to know how much it can do for them.