Possibly the best kept secret in Microsoft Dynamics GP eXtender is Window Groups. I saw a forum discussion last week that went like this:

Question: Can I auto open different eXtender windows from the same screen based upon the data entered into the GP screen?
Answer: Only by purchasing eXtender enterprise from eOne and using the scripting functionality.

Unfortunately this is sometimes the problem with forums as the information given is not always completely accurate. The real answer should have been:

Real Answer: Use the eXtender window groups functionality which lets you prescribe the conditions when a particular eXtender window should open. The way you do this is:
1. Create all the eXtender windows you need independently. For Example if you need 3 different windows to open, depending on the type of product sold on an order then you need to create the three eXtender windows. i.e. You sell golf clubs, golf bags and electric golf buggies. On any given order you need to capture a different set of data for each sale line, depending on the item number used.
2. Create a window group and determine the trigger point for all of the windows that will be assigned (Auto open, hot key or extra menu)
3. Add the first window required.
4. Define the condition upon when this window should open.
5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 for each window you want in the group.

It is that simple. If you wanted just a single window to only pop open based upon a condition (e.g. the customer class is equal to government) then you need only add the single window to the group. Apply the condition to this window and it will only auto open when you need it.

If this functionality is new to you, please leave me a comment in this blog and we will continue to post more ‘tips’ to help share the information.