Extender 2018

Open Dynamics GP Form (Enterprise Only)

* This feature is only available in Extender Enterprise. *


An Open Dynamics GP Form action type opens a Dynamics GP Window when run.  You can open the form for a new record or pass data to the form.


To add an Open Dynamics GP Form action type:

1.Select the event from the Events list that you want to add a Set Value action type to
2.Click on the Add button next to the Actions list and select Open Dynamics GP Form from the drop-down list

Extender Open GP Form Action


3.Select the Product, Series, and Form for the Dynamics GP form to be opened.
4.To add a task to pass data to the window, click Add.

Extender Open GP Form Action Add


5.Select the Task type to use to pass the data to the window
6.Select the Field to pass data to, the Method to populate it, and the value to use.
7.Click on the Save button.
8.If additional Tasks need to be added, repeat steps 4-7.
9.Click Save.