SmartConnect 2018

Extender Resource Setup

In order for an Extender object to be used as a SmartConnect data source, a view of the Extender object must be set up in Extender that contains the fields to be included in the data source. The view must also be named the same as the Extender object.                


To create a view in Extender:        

1.Open the Extender window (Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Extender >> Extender)
2.Create a new view:
Option 1:
Expand the solution that the view is to be added to.
Select views from within the solution.
Click new.
Option 2:
Select the solution that the view will be added to.
Click the drop-down arrow next to the new button and select view.
3.Enter a view ID and description for the view.
4.Enter a SQL name for the view. This is the name that will be used when the SQL view is created. Note: for use in SmartConnect this name must be the same as the name of the Extender object that forms the basis for the view.
5.Select the primary table:
Select the add button.
Select the table type:
If the type is a Microsoft Dynamics GP table, select the Product, Series and Table.
If the type is an Extender window, select the window ID.
If the type is an Extender form select the form ID.
Select the add button.
6.Select additional tables.
Select the add button.
Select the table already selected to link the additional table to.
Select the type to link:
If the type is Microsoft Dynamics GP table, select the product, series and table.
If the type is Extender window, select the window ID.
If the type is Extender form, detail for or linked form, select the form ID.
Select link fields:
Select the + button above the link fields list.
Select the link from field.
Select the link to field.
Click on the add button. Note: added links always use an outer join.
Select the add button.
8.Select fields to include in the view.
9.Select the save button.