SmartConnect 2018

Run a Map

Maps may be run from either the map setup screen, or via the run map screen.


To run a map from the setup screen:

1.Open Map >> Run.
2.If the map has not yet been selected use the lookup to select the map to be run.
3.Select the Run button to start map processing.
4.Map processing is covered in the Map Run section.


To run a map from the run map screen:

1.Open Map >> Setup or double click on the map to be run in the Map Quick Links window.
2.Select the map to be run from the drop-down list.
3.Select the Run Map button to start map processing.
4.Map processing is covered in the Map Run section.




Maps to which the current SmartConnect user does not have access will not appear in the map setup, map run, or map quick links windows.
If a map fails to open, and the system returns a map is locked message. Refer to Map Activity for more information.