
SmartPost Options

To setup the SmartPost Options:

1.Open the SmartPost setup window. Using the Microsoft Dynamics GP interface go to Microsoft Dynamics GP - Tools - SmartPost - Setup.



2.To enable emails within SmartPost enter a SMTP server (This could be a SMTP Url or the exchange server).
3.Enter the Username, Password, and Domain for the user that will be used to e-mail the reports.
4.Service Email Address : The user that all emails in the system will be sent as.
5.Admin Email Address : This is the user that will receive emails if there are anything that went wrong while posting or trying to post a batch.
6.Report File Path : The path where all batch reports will be created.
7.Set the Analytical Accounting Max Report Time.  This is used as a timeout for the reports if they don't generate in the time given, it will quit trying.
8.Do not delete batch reports:  Select this flag if you want to keep the batch reports after they have been emailed to the specified user.



To allow SSL to be used for the SMTP server, you will need to open the eOne.SmartPost.dll.config file in the AddIns folder of your Microsoft Dynamics GP installation.  In this file, you will need to change the line "<add key="UseSSL" value="false"/>" from false to true and save the file.   Then relaunch Microsoft Dynamics GP and it should allow for an SSL site to be used.