There is a new Table Finder option that will be included in the January release of SmartList Builder 2013.  It will assist in finding the tables that contain the data you are looking for.  You can access the tool from within any of the Builders or from any other window in Microsoft Dynamics GP.  This can be really helpful if you know where the data is in a Microsoft Dynamics GP window, but aren’t sure where to look in the tables for the data so that you can use it in a setup in one of the Builder tools.

There are 3 methods that will be included that allow you to find the table:  those attached to a Dynamics GP window, by the field name, or by the value in the field.

Tables attached to a Microsoft Dynamics GP Window:
This option will allow you to see all of the tables that are used on a window in GP.  You can see all for the window, or if you pick a specific field, it will tell you what tables that field is in.

The window below is what you will see in any of the Builder tools when adding a new table and selecting to use the Table Finder.

The window following is what you will see if you select the Table Finder from any of the Microsoft Dynamics GP windows Tools menu.  It offers the ability to create a setup in SmartList Builder, Excel Report Builder, and Navigation List Builder with the table you have selected.  In addition to using it with the Builders, you can create sample select statements by selecting the fields you want from the selected table and preview that data.

Field Name:
This option allows you to type in a Field name as it appears on any window and it will find the tables that contain that field.  You can then select the table and see the details of that table.

Field Value:
The Field Value option will allow to search the data for any tables containing the data value you enter.  This option can take some time, depending on the amount of data in the Microsoft Dynamics GP company database, but can be useful if the field might be called different things on different windows.  You can also select the table and see the details of that table.