- From the main Navigation Menu, select Maintenance and then REST Services.
- On the REST Services page, click the Create REST Service button.
- This open the REST Service Maintenance window. The first section allows a name and an image to be set for the REST Connector.
- The second section will store the information for the Base URL, Request Method, Response Type, Body Type and Authentication Method.
- The Base URL should be the portion of the URL that is static for the service.
- The Request Method should be the default VERB for pulling data from an endpoint for the service.
- The Response Type should be set to either JSON or XML, based on the payload type for the service.
- The Body Type should be set to one of JSON, Text, XML, or URL-Encoded-Form; depending on the payload body for the service.
- The Authentication Method should be set to one of Basic, Exchange Token, None, or OAuth2; based on the service.
- The last section allows the Date Format to be specified. The 4 types are Custom, Epoch Milliseconds, Epoch Seconds, or ISO 8601. Epoch time is displayed as the amount of time that has elapsed since January 1, 1970.
- Epoch Milliseconds follows a format of: 1583340906149
- Epoch Seconds follows a format of: 1583340920
- ISO 8601 follows a format of: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
- Custom allows the format to be defined, using the standard .Net datetime formatting.
- The REST Service Maintenance window can be saved once the main Settings section is complete. The Service Entities or Service Actions would need to be defined to use the connection as a source or destination for any integrations, however.