Creating a Service Data Source Definition

Published: Jul 11, 2023

Creating a Service Data Source Definition

Published: Jul 11, 2023
  • Navigate to Service Data Sources on the Rest Service Maintenance Page 
  • Enter a name for the Data Source. 
  • If using Groups, choose a group for the data source. 
    • Groups can be created and used to organize your data sources by clicking Groups in the Rest Service Maintenance window. 
  • Click the Edit Entity button to open the data source settings. 


  • Endpoint- Enter the endpoint that will be used.  For example, if the full endpoint is, the Endpoint would just be /contacts as everything before the slash should be the base url on the main settings page. 
  • Request Method- Choose the method that is required for the endpoint.  
  • Return Type- Display only field showing the setting from the main setup page. 
  • Use Service Paging- Enable the checkbox if paging is required. 
  • Paging Definition- If more than 1 paging method has been setup, select which one to use for this endpoint. 

Entity Notes

Enter any notes regarding the use and setup of the data source. 


You can manually enter each field available from the service endpoint or use the Load from File to select a json file that has the properly formatted fields. 

When entering fields manually, enter the field name, the Path using dot notation and the field type. 


  • Default Parameters Section- Default parameters are parameters available to use from the main parameters setup page for the service.  
    • Use Default Parameters- Check this box if the default parameters are to be used for the endpoint.  When unchecked, the lower parameters section will be used. 
  • Parameters Section- These are endpoint specific parameters.  Use these if parameters are needed, but they are not setup as default parameters or if there are default parameters that shouldn’t be included for this endpoint. 
    • Clear Empty- Check this box to Clear the parameter when a request is made if it is blank. 
    • Exclude in Paging- Check this box to exclude the parameters once paging begins. 


  • Default Headers Section- Default headers are headers available to use from the main headers setup page for the service.   
    • Use Default headers- Check this box if the default headers are to be used for the endpoint.  When unchecked, the lower headers section will be used. 
  • Entity Headers Section- These are endpoint specific headers.  Use these if headers are needed, but they are not setup as default headers or if there are default headers that shouldn’t be included for this endpoint. 
    • Clear Empty- Check this box to Clear the header when a request is made if it is blank. 


Sometimes endpoints need to be given data before they can return data back.  To do that you will need to send a body to the endpoint. 

  • Type- Choose the body type to be sent. 
  • Body- Enter the required data that needs to be sent to the endpoint. 
  • Body Includes Paging- Check this box if the body includes any paging information. 
Settings Entity Notes Fields Parameters Headers Body

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