The Create Windows Service button will install and activate the SmartConnect windows service on the current workstation for the current active SmartConnect instance. This service handles any scheduling requirements from the SmartConnect application. The service should be installed on workstations that do not have much downtime, as the service can not execute integrations if the workstation is not active.
The majority of the settings on the Windows Service window should be left at the default values, unless working with a certified support team to modify them for a particular environment. Any option after the Validate Credentials button should generally be left at the default values.
The buttons across the top of the window will perform different actions based on the current settings.
- Save
- Saves the current configuration and creates the windows service if it is not present yet. Only available once the credentials have been validated for the service.
- Cancel
- Cancels any changes made to the window since opening it.
- Start
- Starts the current windows service the configuration is tied to for the active instance. Applies to the current workstation.
- Stop
- Stops the current windows service the configuration is tied to for the active instance. Applies to the current workstation.
- Remove
- Removes the windows service from the current workstation that the configuration is tied to.
The settings within the window allow for the service to be configured to install and run scheduled processes.
- Service Name
- The name of the windows service. Can be changed to differentiate multiple services on one workstation from another in the scenario where multiple SmartConnect instances are switched between. For most scenarios, the default name can be left in place.
- Service User
- The windows account that the windows service will run under. Must be an account with local admin rights to log any errors to the event viewer.
- User Password
- The password for the account used to run the service.
- Domain
- The domain for the account used to run the service.
- Validate Credentials
- Will validate the account information entered can connect and create a windows service correctly. Validation must pass before the windows service can be saved and created.
Additional optional/default Settings:
- Connection Timeout
- The length of time (in seconds) that the SmartConnect application will wait while trying to establish a connection.
- Command Timeout
- The length of time (in seconds) that the SmartConnect application will wait while trying to execute a command within an open connection.
- Debug
- Will enable debug logs to be written to the SmartConnect directory. Should not be left on for production environments unless troubleshooting an issue with scheduled processes.
- Windows Service Thread Timeout
- How long the windows service will leave an integration running before terminating the process. Prevents integrations from becoming perpetually locked in the scheduler if something fails.
- Factory Refresh Interval
- The period of time between the scheduler creating a new session with the SmartConnect database.
- Log Maintenance Interval
- How frequently the service will check to remove log entries that should no longer be stored in SmartConnect.
- Web Log Maintenance Interval
- How frequently the service will check to remove web service log entries that should no longer be stored in SmartConnect.
- Folder Real-Time Interval
- How frequently the service will check folder data source real time events to pick up new files for processing. Should not be set to less than 1 minute.
- Web Service Security Interval
- How frequently the service will check for alerts within the security logging for the SmartConnect API.