Creating an Excel Folder Data Source

Published: Sep 11, 2018

Creating an Excel Folder Data Source

Published: Sep 11, 2018
  1. From the left side options column navigate to Date Sources > Bulk Sources > Folder.

  2. On the File Data Sources window click on the Create Bulk Folder button.

  • Select Files at Runtime File Selection option

  1. Enter a Description.
  2. File Selection drop down list – choose Select Files at Runtime.
  3. File Type drop down list – select Microsoft Excel (Note: this is currently the only option available).
  4. Template File – click on Select files button to select the template file that will be uploaded. (Note: the uploaded file will be used as a template to define the columns and no data from it will be processed).
  5. Excel Sheet – select the sheet from the workbook that will be uploaded.
  6. Click Validate to verify the connection to the spreadsheet. (Note: validation must be successful for the Save and Preview buttons to become active).
  7. Click Preview to display a pop-up window with a sample of the data from the spreadsheet.
  8. Save the Data Source.
  • Load from FTP connection File Selection option

  • If FTP is to be used, the Template File Details tab must be completed first.
  • FTP Connection – the drop down list will contain FTP Connection(s) created under the Connections option.
  • Source Directory – location where the files used for integration are stored.
  • Success Directory – files that are processed successfully are moved to this location.
  • Fail Directory – files that fail during processing are moved to this location.
  • Empty File Action – drop down list which indicates the action should be taken on empty files.
    • Leave File – leave empty files in the Source Directory.
    • Move File to Failure – move empty files to the Fail Directory.
    • Move File to Success – move empty files to the Success Directory.
  • Overwrite Files checkbox – mark this checkbox if the files in the Fail and Success Directories should be overwritten.
  • Append Date Time – mark this checkbox to add the Date and Time to the files moved to the Fail and Success Directories.
  • Click Validate to verify the connection to the spreadsheet. (Note: validation must be successful for the Save and Preview buttons to become active).
  • Click Preview to display a pop-up window with a sample of the data from the spreadsheet.
  • Save the Data Source.

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