Creating a SQL Server Bulk Data Source

Published: Sep 12, 2018

Creating a SQL Server Bulk Data Source

Published: Sep 12, 2018
  1. From the main Navigation Menu, select Data Sources>>Bulk Sources>>Query.
  2. On the Query Data Sources page, click the Create Bulk Query button.
  3. On the New Query Data Source page, Select MSSQL Query Data Source.
  4. The page to configure the MSSQL Query Data Source opens.

MSSQL Query Data Source

  1. Enter a Name for the query.
  2. Connection – Select the MSSQL connection to be used from the dropdown list.
  3. Click Validate. If the connection is successful, the Database field becomes active.
  4. Database – Select the SQL database the query data source will be using.
  5. TrimStrings – Mark this box if strings should be trimmed of any trailing spaces.
  6. Add Tables/Views to be used for the bulk source. See query builder use here. Needs to link to article on query builder.
  7. Click Edit Query to launch the query builder. Add Tables/Views to be used for the bulk source and join them however needed.
  8. Click Next on the Query Builder window to go back to the source setup.
  9. If you want to preview the source data, click Preview.
  10. Click Save.

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