When using Popdock’s Query Builder for Business Central and when creating Popdock widgets for Business Central, you can only publish to your Sandbox due to Business Central’s restrictions on publishing to Production. Within Popdock however, you can easily promote any Business Central Query Builder Queries or Widgets from a Sandbox to Production environment. In order to do so, you must have rights to the “Publish Query Builder lists” and “Publish widgets” customization permissions from within Popdock Security.
1. From the Popdock home page, click the triple bar menu in the upper left corner and select Connectors from the drop down menu.
2. Locate your Business Central Production Connector from the list of connectors, and click the Pencil Icon on the right side of the connector.
3. From the Settings menu on the left side of the Edit Connector page, select Extension.
4. From the Sandbox Connector drop down menu, select the Sandbox Connector that contains the extension you want to publish to production.
5. Once you have selected the proper Sandbox Connector, click the Validate button in the upper right corner of the page.
6. If your extension is validated successfully, you will receive the message of “It’s all good” in the Validate Extension window. Click the Close button and proceed to click the Publish button in the upper right corner of the page.
7. If your extension is published successfully, you will receive the follow prompt.
Any widget published will now be available inside your Business Central Production Environment. Additionally, any Query Builder Queries will now be available as a list in your Business Central Production Connector.