Setting up a Salesforce Connection

Published: Sep 12, 2018

Setting up a Salesforce Connection

Published: Sep 12, 2018
  1. On the left side options column click Connections.
  2. On the Connections page click on Create Connection button.

  3. On the New Connection page click on the Salesforce icon.

  4. The page to configure the Salesforce connection opens.

  5. Description – enter a description of the connection.
  6. Service URL – enter the URL to connect to Salesforce.
  7. Organization Name – this field will default with the Organization Name during the connection validation and cannot be edited.
  8. Organization Type – this field will default with the Organization Type during the connection validation and cannot be edited.
  9. Default Security – enter the Username, Password, and Security Token used to connect to Salesforce.
  10. Click Validate.
  11. If the validation is successful and the Default Security and Administration Security user will be the same, click Save to save the connection.
  12. If the validation is successful and the Default Security and Administration Security will be different users, enter the Administration Security Username, Password, and Security Token and click Validate.
  13. Save the connection.

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