Setting up a FTP Server Connection

Published: Sep 12, 2018

Setting up a FTP Server Connection

Published: Sep 12, 2018
  • On the left side options column click Connections.
  • On the Connections page click on Create Connection button.

  • On the New Connection page click on the FTP Server icon.

  • The FTP Server page opens where the FTP Server connection is configured.

  • Enter a Description of the server configuration.
  • Enter the Host Name.
  • The Server Type drop down list has two options:
    • Select FTP (no encryption) if SSL will not be used with this connection.
    • Select FTPS (SSL encryption) if SSL will be used with this connection.
  • Port
    • The default Port number is 21.
    • To use a different Port number, unmark the Use Default checkbox and enter the Port number that will be used for this connection in the Port field.
  • From the Data Connection Type drop down list, select the Type that will be used.
    • The Data Connection Types that are available are:
      • Auto Active
      • Auto Passive
      • EPRT
      • EPSV
      • PASV
      • PASVEX
      • PORT
  • Enter the User Name and Password of the FTP Server.
  • Click Validate to test the connection to the FTP Server.
  • Once the connection has been validated, Save the connection.

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