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ConnectWise Integration

Take control and cover more of your Connectwise automation and integration requirements.
Core Experience IT Services Integration
Created By eOne Solutions
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Multi-System Integration
File Integration
Multi-System Integration

Generate data at the right time in the right place between Connectwise and all your cloud an on-premise apps.  Sync companies, contacts, tickets, project billing and more.

eOne’s SmartConnect allows you to take control of every part of your integration through a consistent and user-friendly interface that doesn’t require developers or coding knowledge to use.

  • Integrate as a source or destination with all your data in Connectwise.
  • Connect your other cloud and on-premise applications.  
  • Configure your integration when you want: manually, automated on a schedule, or call a SmartConnect map to run via the SmartConnect API.​
  • Enjoy a simple point-click and flexible mapping experience.
  • Add steps and tasks to complete your business process automation.
  • Easily monitor, use alerts, view errors and fix them.

Outcomes Delivered

  1. Integrate without code.
  2. Lower project risks.
  3. Deliver outcomes faster

Licensing Required

SmartConnect Basic Plan or above.

File Integration

Don’t let native file options limit you or slow you down.  eOne’s file integration options are flexible and allow you to move faster.

File imports to ConnectWise

Files come in a lot of different formats.  Configure your mapping to any field in ConnectWise and use data transformation options to ensure your data fits perfectly.  Available with all SmartConnect plans.

Trigger real-time or on a schedule from your folder.

SmartConnect’s file integration from local locations, FTP/SFTP, Microsoft OneDrive, and Microsoft SharePoint folder locations. Available with all SmartConnect Plans.

Run integrations from the SmartConnect Excel-Add-in

End users love this feature.  Allow users to select integrations and run them right from Excel.  Included with all SmartConnect Plans.

Refresh reports into Excel with the Popdock Excel Add-in

End users love this feature as well.  Refresh any Popdock standard or custom list with customizations into Excel.    Included with all Popdock Plans.

Export and email Popdock Reports to Files on a Schedule

Create advanced, customized Popdock reports with Connectwise data and send them to the right people on your schedule. Available in the Popdock Premium Plan.

Outcomes Delivered

  1. Enhance productivity.
  2. Reduce Errors.

Licensing Required

SmartConnect Basic Plan or above.

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