SmartConnect 2018

Entity Lookup Column

When updating / inserting information into Dynamics CRM via SmartConnect, records may require links to records that already exist within CRM. E.g. When loading a CRM contact a link may be required from the contact to the account to which the contact belongs. An entity lookup column allows users to look for another entity within CRM and link it to the current entity.


To create a Dynamics CRM entity lookup column:

1.Open Map >> Setup, or select the Maps Quick Link and double click on the map to be edited.
2.If creating a new map enter the map id and description.
3.If creating a new map enter the data source and key field information.
4.If creating a new map select CRM as the destination, then double click on the entity type required.
5.Select Additional Columns from the toolbar at the top of the mapping window.
6.Select Columns >> Entity Lookup from the toolbar at the top of the mapping window, or double click on the column to be amended.

CRM Columns


7.Enter a name for the lookup column. Names must be unique within a map.
8.Select the entity type that should be linked to the current entity.
9.Select the + on the criteria grid to enter the matching details for the lookup.
10.Select the Dynamics CRM column that matches the information in the data source column.
11.Select the data source column that contains that data to be looked up within Dynamics CRM.
12.Add extra criteria rows if required.
13.Select OK to save the column changes.
14.Select OK to close the column window. The new lookup column should now appear in the left grid on the matching window.
15.Drag the lookup field to the required spot in the destination grid or select entity lookup as the Column Type and the column name as the Column Name in the destination grid.

CRM Entity Lookup Column