SmartConnect 2018

MSSQL Tenant Definition

When sending data to a Microsoft SQL server destination, and the data source contains information that determines which MSSQL database should be updated, the define database option is used to determine the MSSQL database to be updated.


1.Select create, or select the Maps Quick Link and double click on the map to be edited.
2.If creating a new map enter the map id, description, data source, key field and MSSQL destination information.
3.Select the Databases button to open the databases window.
4.Select the Define button to open the scripting definition window.
5.Enter the script that determines the database to be updated. All standard scripting functionality is available for this window.
6.Select Load Template if the script may be loaded from a predefined template. Select the required template and then provide any variable values requested. Select OK to return the script details to the calculation window.
7.Select Validate to ensure that there are no compilation issues with the script.
8.Select Cancel to remove the definition script and replace it with the default blank script.
9.Select OK to save changes and return to the databases window. Note: any selected tenants in the databases window should be de-selected otherwise the map data will run to both the defined database, and any selected databases.
10.Select OK to close the databases window.

Map Destination Definition