SmartConnect 2018

User Permissions

The permissions tab of the security setup window allows administrators to select the SmartConnect permissions required for each user.


To set SmartConnect User Permissions:

Log into SmartConnect as an administrator.
Select Security from the Setup tab.
Navigate to the Permissions tab.
Select the required user from the User drop-down. If security is to be added for a new user the user must be added before adding the required permissions.
Select the checkbox beside the required permissions for the selected user.
oCreate or Change Mappings - Allows access to the following windows.
Map Activity
Map Setup and Map Line Mapping
Real-time Data Source Maintenance
Process Errors
Duplicate Map
oImport and Export - Allows access to the import and export windows on the maintenance tab.
Import Wizard
oMaintenance - Allows access to the following forms.
MSSQL Command
Translation Tables
oMulti-Tenant Access - Allows access to change the default tenants for maps.
oRun Maps - Allows users to run maps that have been created.
Map Activity
Map Logs
Process Errors
Run Map
oScheduling - Allows access to the scheduling windows.
Schedule Servers
Schedule Maintenance
Map Schedules
oView Logs - Allows access to the logging windows
Debug Logs
Event Logs
Web Service Logs
Security Logs
Request Logs
Activity Logs
The select all checkbox will automatically add / remove access for all permission areas.
Select OK to save changes.


SC Security Permissions