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SmartList Builder 2016

Default Security Roles

There are eight Security Roles setup in Microsoft Dynamics GP that can be used to grant access to the different functions within SmartList Builder.


SLB_CREATOR - Allow a user to create new SmartLists in SmartList Builder
ERB_CREATOR - Allow a user to create new  Excel reports in Excel Report Builder
ERB_PUBLISHER - Allow a user to Publish Excel reports in Excel Report Builder (still requires they have proper SQL Permissions)
NLB_CREATOR - Allow a user to create new Navigation Lists in Navigation List Builder
DDB_CREATOR - Allow a user to create new  Drill Downs in Drill Down Builder
BUILDER_ADMIN - Gives users access to the Administrative features in SmartList Builder
BUILDER_IMPORT_EXPORT - Allow a user to Import and export Builder setups
BUILDER_ALL_TABLES - View all tables (this role is the 'not applied to role' in Table Security, users that get access to all available tables when adding Microsoft Dynamics GP tables, should be in this role)