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SmartList Builder 2016

SmartList Builder Security

All SmartList Builder windows are denied access by default. To use SmartList Builder, the user must be in a POWERUSER role, or be granted access to the following windows in a Microsoft Dynamics GP Security Task:


Product: SmartList Builder
Type: Windows
Series: Project
oGo To
oSet Field Options (3 windows)
oSmartList Builder


Security Task


Series: System
oCopy List
oDisplay SQL
oProcess Queue
oResource Lookup
oSmartList Builder Progress
oSmartList Lookup
oTable Details
oTable Finder (2 items)
oUpgrade Modified SmartLists


Security Task 2


Beyond the Window permissions, there are SmartList Builder Permissions that need to be granted as well.  These SmartList Builder Permissions can be granted in the Microsoft Dynamics GP Security Task as well.


Product: SmartList Builder
Type: SmartList Builder Permissions
Series: SmartList Builder
oCreate a Go To that opens a Dynamics GP form
oCreate a Go To that opens a file
oCreate a Go To that opens a website
oCreate a Go To that opens another SmartList
oCreate a Go To that runs a procedure
oCreate SmartLists with SQL Tables
oEnter Calculated Fields
oUpdate SmartList
oModify existing SmartLists (only if want user to be able to modify existing SmartLists)
oView SmartLists with SQL Tables


Security Task 3


To assign SmartList Builder security:

1.Open the Security Task Setup window (Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Setup >> System >> Security Tasks).
2.Enter a Task ID, Task Name, Task Description and Category.
3.Select SmartList Builder as the Product and Windows/SmartList Builder Permissions as the Type and Project/System/SmartList Builder as the Series.
4.Mark the operations that you want to grant access to for the selected security task.
5.Click Save to save the security task.
6.Assign the security task to the roles that you want to have access to the operations.